In case of
Are difficulty and urgency during urination, burning, suprapubic pain and/or tension and sensation of not completed bladder depletion, familiar to you?

Just know that you are not alone!
These are usually some of the typical symptoms which can follow an infection of the lower urinary tract (IVU), such as the cystitis. The IVU are the most common bacterial infections, and these affect millions of people every year.

These mostly affect women, and it is estimated that the 60% of women develop an infection of the lower urinary tract during the life, and the 25% of these women have the risk of recidivism. Anyway, also men suffer, especially in advanced age and it is attributable to anatomic alterations.

The responsible for these disorders in about 80% of cases is the Escherichia coli, a bacterium, which thank to its fimbriae (these are like hands and legs of the bacterium) creates a bond to the bladder epithelium cells and it colonizes them, causing the infection which bring your discomfort.

What you can do?

It is really important:

• to drink plenty of fluids (with no sugar)
• to cure the intimate hygiene
• to completely drain your bladder without holding the urine
• moreover, the assumption of specific nutrients can be helpful to alleviate these disorders.

Kolinpharma S.p.A.
